Wendy Zingher is the VP of Customer Success at LambdaTest, leading the company's efforts to ensure customers get full value and benefit from the platform. She's had over 10 years of experience in Customer Success, all of it in the testing and quality space, and has led teams for the past 6 years in CS. She's worked with JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, UnitedHealth Group, Intuit, Disney and many other large enterprises, as well as smaller ones in their path to testing excellence. Before LambdaTest, she was at Sauce Labs for nearly 6 years helping grow her team and revenue and ensuring customers' success in the rapidly changing QA environment. Before Customer Success, she began her career as a software developer and she became a software development manager and leader, much of that in the Boston area at Concord Communications, bought by CA, and Texterity, a company in the digital publishing space. She is based in Westborough, MA where she raised four children and now has a husband and cat, and during college vacations, her youngest daughter.

Test automation and shortening testing cycles
09 Apr 2024 Conference session

Test automation and shortening testing cycles

Wendy Zingher
Wendy Zingher