Rebecca leads the Technology organisation within the FT, where the teams are responsible for everything from the networks and laptops used by the FT’s staff in offices and locations around the world to the systems and technology which produce the FT’s subscription products and other customer- and business-facing services.

Before joining the FT, Rebecca’s career was largely centred on news and entertainment media in companies including Napster, BBC, Sky, and TiVo. Over the past couple of years, she has been working as an independent consultant, including with an EDI consultancy where she facilitated workshops and inclusive leadership training. She claims to have gotten into tech “by accident” after originally taking degrees in Education, but loves what she does, and appreciates the privilege of leading teams in complex organisations with interesting challenges and problems to solve.

Originally from Maine (USA), Rebecca’s lived in the UK for more than 20 years but still has an accent. She loves being outside walking, gardening or thinking, and she enjoys knitting, sewing and cooking (and eating) as outlets for creativity.