Elena's career began in software engineering, and after over 10 years, transitioned from an expert role to a managerial path. As a leader in various engineering verticals, including infrastructure, development, mobile development, and QA, she has gained substantial experience that prepared her for executive roles over the past six years in engineering and product development companies.

Holding executive positions in unicorn-status firms has given her a unique vantage point to observe organizational changes and drive scalable growth across technology, products, people, and culture. Her motivation comes from the lessons and innovations encountered throughout this journey. She is passionate about coaching individuals and leaders to identify the common threads among these dimensions, prioritizing proactive action, over reactive problem-solving.

Synergetic solutions: Crafting success across boundaries
09 Apr 2024 Conference session

Synergetic solutions: Crafting success across boundaries

Elena Bladh
Elena Bladh