LeadDev New York video hub
All the videos from our New York events
LeadDev New York 2024 videos
Making what you have enough: Navigating the realities of the non-boom market
Discover essential tools for navigating uncertainty in the current non-boom market, focusing on resource optimization, prioritization, and supporting individual team members for collective success.
You don’t understand how trust works
Explore how to cultivate genuine trust between managers and teams, empowering collaboration and resilience through empathy, active listening, and shared responsibility for greater organizational success.
Dates and deadlines…it’s complicated
Learn key communication habits that clarify dates and deadlines, build trust, and improve team cohesion—especially in distributed teams—while making deadlines a positive, motivating factor.
The scrappy/scale mindset: A framework for sustainable engineering leadership
Learn how the Scrappy/Scale Mindset helps engineering leaders balance leadership styles, avoid burnout, and adapt to their teams’ needs for sustainable success.
Engineering leadership in 2024 and beyond: Skating where the puck is going when the ice is melting
Over the last two years, the tech industry has been going through big changes After a decade of boom, a lot of companies have been running layoffs, and headlines were dominated by CEOs talking about a need for “fewer managers”, “more efficiency”, and “more AI.” Throughout this time, many engineering…

The festival of engineering leadership
London • June 16 & 17, 2025
Videos from previous years of LeadDev New York
Moving quickly inside a large organization
Pablo Jablonski shares key learnings from building and shipping Spaces within Twitter, and how those learnings can be applied to any new team looking to move quickly within a larger organization.
Concise and effective feedback: Applying the learnings of DORA4 to communication
David LaMothe discusses a model much like the DORA4 model, except instead of focusing on metrics like time to merge and rate of recovery, focusing on personally developed metrics for feedback that ensures he is giving it early and often.
Influential storytelling
Brianna McCullough talks about how to structure compelling stories that lead to alignment, buy-in and most importantly belief from our stakeholders, partners, and more importantly our teams.
Lower your stress and your team’s stress by being ready for turnover
John Young covers specific, actionable strategies to prepare for turnover – roles and responsibilities, documentation practices, anti-patterns to avoid, and even “chaos monkey” style games – that you can use immediately to make life better both for you and for your team.
Combating the confidence gap: Case studies in tech recruiting
Maryam Jahanshahi discusses how studies of the confidence gap impact candidate pools based on millions of recruiting outcomes, describing three specific contexts where we’ve seen the confidence gap manifest.
What is tech policy and how you can get involved
Erica Greene discusses some of the big ongoing tech policy debates and walks through ways you can get involved in the policy world.
Technical Vision vs. Technical Strategy: The difference and why it matters
Jonathan Maltz digs into the nuts and bolts of setting a successful technical strategy. Startin by talking about the difference between technical vision and technical strategy.
Behind the curtain: Two sides of senior leadership
Leemay Nassery and Emily Samuels give you two perspectives! They share their experiences and challenges from both sides of the senior leadership coin: staff+ and senior management.
Scaling yourself: Increasing your scope and impact as an engineering manager (without just working harder)
Alex Peattie talks about how to spend your most precious resource as an engineering manager: your time.
Are we building engineering platforms using the right metrics?
Simone Casciaroli shares the HEAT metrics created while working at Babylon, how they helped create a successful Platform Product, what essential product decisions you need to make to help other teams strive and how they fit with other engineering metrics like DORA.
Using a learning-themed retrospective to strengthen your team’s learning culture and reduce learning debt
Kristen Foster-Marks shares her experience of leading a learning-themed retrospective, which encouraged her team to reflect on their personal beliefs about learning and up-skilling, their team’s learning culture, and the ways in which these beliefs and culture can both encourage and discourage engagement in on-the-job learning and up-skilling activities.
How to kill your team’s product
Elliot Sanchez shares how the mistakes made early in his career as a manager helped prepare him to handle a terrible situation in a way that stayed consistent with our values and got the members of his team to the best, most empathetic outcome we could hope for.
Setting up your team for success during your extended absence
Nisarga Markandaiah shares the things you can do to ensure success for your team while you are away, as more and more companies offer longer than before parental leaves or sabbaticals.
Security from scratch
Eleanor Saitta tells you as much as possible in 30 minutes about what you do need to worry about, when you need to worry about it, how you can fix it, and what you don’t need to worry about — yet.
Building healthier mission-focused organizations
Randall Koutnik talks about the three main categories of communication — pathological, bureaucratic and generative — and the important role they each play in a company’s success and failure.
Enabling the motivated: Facilitating role switches smoothly
Ben Clayman describes how an engineering lead can identify prospective team members, enable them to gain experience in the proposed role, and ultimately make the switch.
The (updated) story of why we migrate to gRPC and how we go about it
Matthias Grüter addresses technical discussions of advanced gRPC concepts such as interceptors, load balancing, and traffic management and how they are essential in large distributed systems.
Good technical debt
Jon Thornton discusses how this framework was used to rapidly build and ship Squarespace’s Email Campaigns product in less than 15 months. Along the way, you’ll get several practical guidelines for how tech debt can supercharge your technical investments.
How successful hackathons increase belonging, decrease anxiety and help people imagine new identities in tech
Dr Carol Lee shares an example of a successful internal hackathon at Pluralsight and how it impacts developer experience.
My Monolith is Melting: Lessons from Legacy
Meri Williams looks at a real-world example of how she undertook the technical, cultural and process challenges to move to continuous delivery in a big organisation.
Building Culture through Communication
Neha Batra talks about building a team culture requires time, care, attention, and intention.
Navigating engineering leadership through the pandemic and beyond
Engineering leaders for LeadDev New York 2022 discuss the current changing landscape.
What Capuchin monkeys know that engineering leaders don’t
Jared Silver explores what the best managers do to retain their top talent, and ways you can make your team happier and more productive.