David LaMothe
David LaMothe works at SumUp as an Engineering Manager where he currently focus on building Platforms for Backoffice and Communications. Previously, David has worked at companies such as Shopify and Jimdo, working on Online Store and Customer Accounts teams. Outside of work, he is a keen media enthusiast, and enjoys working with and travelling to new cultures.
Managing in hard times: How to shift from growth to stability
David LaMothe covers some of the key actions a manager should take to make sure their team gets through difficult times. Whether it’s managing expectations, focusing on the essentials, or celebrating small successes, you will leave with the essential toolbox you need to weather the storm.
Concise and effective feedback: Applying the learnings of DORA4 to communication
David LaMothe discusses a model much like the DORA4 model, except instead of focusing on metrics like time to merge and rate of recovery, focusing on personally developed metrics for feedback that ensures he is giving it early and often.