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There and back again – A cautionary tale about entering middle management
Explore the realities of middle management through a journey of promotion, stress, and self-reflection, offering guidance on finding the right leadership path.
Increasing code habitability by using AI coding assistants
Discover how AI coding assistants can enhance code habitability while avoiding pitfalls, with strategies to improve code quality in today’s complex development landscape.
Several components are rendering: Client performance at Slack-scale
Explore Slack’s frontend performance challenges with Jenna, uncovering architectural decisions and strategies to optimize efficiency while maintaining an effortless user experience.
Delivery metrics – the good, the bad and the utterly ridiculous
As an engineering team lead, I spent countless hours pouring over data points, spreadsheets, and graphs in search of the perfect set of metrics to measure our team’s success.
How to use technology radars to make transparent tech decisions
The talk centres around the benefits of building such a tool, such as transparency, alignment and faster onboarding.
Managing across timezones; A retrospective
In 2020, Cloudflare moved from being an in office company to 100% remote. This changed the way we work completely.
From overload to oasis: Creating more time for the cool stuff
Tired of being overloaded with monotonous tasks? Craving more time for the ‘cool stuff’? You’re not alone.
Highlights from our conferences

Measure for Change
Picking metrics is one thing. But the harder decisions lie in what to do with them afterward.
View all videos from LeadDev London

Drive product gaps as an engineering leader
Discover practical strategies for engineering leaders to influence product development effectively, even in the absence of strong product management and a clear company vision.
view all videos from LeadDev NEW YORK

Growth in a downturn
In this talk, Smruti Patel asks, if hyper-growth is marked by spending more to make more, what does building for enduring growth look like?
view all videos from LeadDev berlin

Idea to Innovation
Join me as we embark on a journey to dissect the anatomy of innovation, uncover strategies to unlock the full potential of ideas, and transform them into impactful realities. Let’s build a strong culture of innovation, and make sure that it is not just a buzzword but a tangible outcome.
view all videos from staffplus london

Slack enterprise key management: Senior to staff lessons
Explore the key lessons and skills Audrei gained during their first Staff+ project, Slack Enterprise Key Management. This talk offers insights for anyone growing in their Staff+ career.
view all videos from staffplus NEW YORK
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Supporting employees through redundancies and business closures
Reality sometimes makes decisions for us. Teams and businesses come to an end or need to focus elsewhere. But lives go on…
Living without pre-production environments
Historically when we developed large monolithic applications we had several ‘lower’ environments such as dev, test, staging, pre-prod for verifying different stages of our development life cycle. These were particularly used for manual testing – integration testing, gatekeeping, acceptance testing.
Remote Inclusion in Distributed Engineering Teams
Increasingly, companies in business centres like London are combining offshore with local developers. Maximising the effectiveness in a mixed team environment is therefore critical to business success.
Cracking the cadence of your software engineering 1:1s
One-to-ones provide perhaps your greatest opportunity to survey how well things are going with your team.
Eliminating hero culture in software engineering teams
As a woman with a few years of experience in engineering I have often noticed that every team has a “Hero”, as I have been one myself. The hero is usually identified as the hardworking, highly talented and knowledgeable team member.
Changing attitudes toward legacy code
Legacy is an inevitability in any business – systems that were once cutting edge naturally age, but still require careful maintenance. And although it’s important work, it can feel less rewarding than working on shiny new features.
How simplifying software can save your engineering teams’ time
We’re conditioned to think from an early age that exciting things are the best. That attitude can extend to engineering, too.
Creating efficient, accurate, software estimations
Estimating projects is hard. Whether it’s negotiating technical debt, understanding new requirements, or grappling with a lack of useful documents; the number of moving variables make it difficult to judge just how long a project will really take.
Increasing your influence through building a professional network
Have you ever wondered why you aren’t having a bigger impact at work? Why your colleagues aren’t listening to your advice or why those next career opportunities aren’t coming your way? Stop wondering and start influencing.
Skills for first-time Lead Developers
The transition from a developer to a Lead Developer can be a rocky one.
Applying software engineering practices to improve people management
As a new manager, your changed responsibility is not to build features, but to build systems to support the people building the features. It can be a challenge to figure out how to prioritise problems alongside the day to day pastoral care of your team.
Lessons for frontend development at scale
Powered by technologies such as React and GraphQL, we see frontend applications reach a level of scale and complexity that was traditionally associated with backend engineering and service architectures.
Learning from incidents: from ‘what went wrong?’ to ‘what went right?’
When things go wrong, we tend to focus on mistakes, miscalculations, and deficiencies in design. By limiting our investigations to the details of what went wrong, we ignore a far richer and more interesting source of learning: how things went right.
Scaling performance at the scale of Slack
One of the major challenges faced by teams working on high growth product is of performance. Systems that are built for a given scale of users often fail to deliver the necessary throughput when run with orders of magnitude of load more than what they are built for. Software teams have historically resorted to a myriad set of ways in scaling performance.
Distributed teams: how to hone connection, communication, and collaboration
Psychological safety is one of the leading indicators of a high performing team. Yet, forging deep human relationships and building trust can be difficult when your team is distributed or largely interacts on screens.
Building blocks for architecture governance with autonomous teams
Many organizations today strive to establish autonomous development teams who can move as independently of each other as possible.
Strategies for making impossible decisions
Being faced with an important choice that feels impossible to know the answer to is stressful! This comes up a lot when making business decisions, but also applies to technical choices (e.g. “should my company run 100% on AWS” or “is serverless a fad or a great idea?”).
Breaking down silos for better collaboration
Technology at Spotify is filled to the brim with talented, driven and passionate engineers, who together work to solve the challenges we face to reach our north star goals.
Creating an inclusive engineering culture
Having a tech career as a minority is challenging. It could mean being the only one to speak against the popular opinion, or becoming more visible to get the same level of recognition.
Writing effective technical documentation
Documentation can make a big difference. Internal documentation can speed your team up and makes it easier for new engineers to get up and running. External documentation reduces time spent on support questions, and makes your product more usable.
Making the right salary decisions for your engineering team
You make a hire for your team. The person wants 20% more than anyone else. Should you give it to them?
Handling security issues as an engineering team
We live in a world of technology and engineering. Almost everything around us requires software. Unfortunately, the software we use or build has bugs. While most bugs can be fixed, there are these other types of bugs, called vulnerabilities, that cause headaches and haunt us at night.
How to affect change without losing your job
Sometimes, we want to make changes to processes and habits our team has, but it’s not around the code itself. How can we do that? How do we make changes to the habits of hundreds? Moreover, how can we do this work as individual contributors?
How to scale yourself as a first-time engineering leader
When you’re a first-time leader it’s hard to transition from being a problem solver to leading a team to solve problems. It’s often tempting to step in and solve problems for your team.