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Don't Panic! How to Cope Now You're Responsible for Production

Euan Finlay
Euan Finlay

More and more developers are expected to be on-call, provide out-of-hours support, and respond to production outages. If you don't have much experience handling incidents, it can be scary, intimidating, and feel like being dropped in the deep end. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

Over the last few years on the FT’s Content team, we’ve transformed our incident response – from a number of mildly terrifying multi-hour outages, to a stable platform where team members feel comfortable on-call.

10 things I learned about being a better manager

Tom Leitch

Hire better, faster, stronger

Vivien Barousse

nterviewing candidates for a position can be stressful. As hiring managers, we want to find the perfect person to join our team, but there are many factors that feel out of our hands (e.g. rain can affect the mood of the candidate and the person interviewing and impact the result). We need to effectively control the factors that we can.

As a candidate, interviewing for a new job can be quite stressful and time-consuming. It feels like you are being put through an exam.

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LeadDev Meetup Feb 2019