Plum Ertz
Plum Ertz is a Senior Director of Engineering, baker of noms, and casual economist, with a degree in one of those things. Their main areas of expertise are on the front end, with a focus on accessibility and web standards. They have applied those skills as employee number 8 and number 800 in the marketing, media, and fintech spaces, building everything from interactive multimedia experiences at live events to quizzes about sexy fruits. Plum is presently bolstering a strong culture of accessibility in the direct-to-patient healthcare space as a Director of Software Engineering at Ro.
A roadmap to working with your legacy codebases
Gain expert insights on modernizing legacy systems, improving developer satisfaction, streamlining discovery, and effectively documenting complex, large-scale codebases for better productivity and collaboration.
a11y is your MVP: Moving fast without breaking accessibility
Plum Ertz talks about how, despite the growing discussion in the industry about digital accessibility, putting those debates into action can still be challenging in today's world of “doing more with less”.
You’re not lacking passion, you’re lacking energy
Sometimes, the first step towards starting is stopping. Here’s how to prioritize the work you’re passionate about and avoid burnout.
No more heroes: User experience design for incident response
In this talk, Plum discusses the "user experience design" of incident response processes that allow them to grow alongside a rapidly expanding team and technical landscape.