Melinda Seckington
Melinda is Leadership Coach and trainer at Learn Build Share
Melinda is Leadership Coach and trainer at Learn Build Share. She was previously a Technical Manager at FutureLearn, a social learning platform. She loves attending BarCamps, Hackdays and other tech meetups, and since 2009 has been organising them at Geeks of London. She also writes at MissGeeky, a blog about all things geeky and girly.
How to succeed at hiring without really trying
Hiring good people can be hard. Keeping good people can be hard. It’s made easier though if you can set your company apart as a place that people want to work at. But how do you make the community aware that that’s the case?
Creating goal-setting workshops for managers in your 1:1s
Often when we talk about goals, they’re from the perspective of the individual: how do you come up with goals for yourself? How do you achieve those goals?
Level Up: Frameworks for developing developers
As video games have become more and more complex, game designers put way more time into creating environments where players are engaged and willing to put the time and effort into learning and mastering these skills.