Navigating front-end architecture like a Neopian
Over the past few years, I’ve gained expertise in front-end web architecture. I’ve done this work at Indiegogo, Headspace, for my open source mental health project if-me.org, and in my current role at Mailchimp.
How synergy between product and engineering can solve the problem of software estimation
We’ve probably all been asked to come up with a set of software estimates for a project with very little detail, very little time to do it and plenty of quizzical looks when it’s given.
Creating positive cultures distributed engineering teams through communication
When your team is wholly distributed it can be tough to develop a team spirit, strong culture and shared approach. This talk will highlight the difficulties we've seen and suggest tips and tricks that we have experimented with to improve this.
Effectively leading your engineering team through rapid growth
Team leadership and technical leadership come with variety of challenges and require various skills. One of them is an insightful future outlook and being ready for what's yet to come.
Travel through time and break free from rigid working cultures
How does time impact on your working day? Would you like to hack time and live outside the clock? The answer is likely to be yes.
How to create a career ladder for your software engineering teams
When hiring, have you noticed the shift in candidates asking less about your tech, and more about how they can progress in your business?
How to scale yourself at the speed of Slack
Your organization is going through an unprecedented period of growth. How do you keep up?
How to lead your engineering team through a period of change
An effective framework for leading your engineering team through change.
Effective career conversations with your engineers
Career conversations are a necessary part of your direct report’s growth, but without care, these meetings can lack purpose, meaning, and impact.
Engineering teams work better remote-first
Your team has communication problems. You just can't see them because you all sit in the same room.