New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Katie Sylor-Miller

Frontend Architect at Etsy, Katie has a passion for design systems, web performance, accessibility, and frontend infrastructure. She co-authored the Design Systems Handbook to spread her love of reusable components to engineers and designers. She’s spoken at conferences like Smashing Conf, PerfMatters Conf, JamStack Conf, JSConf US, and (to name a few).

Her website (and the swear-free version has helped millions of people worldwide get out of their Git messes, and has been translated into 28 different languages and counting.

When she’s not architecting, you can find Katie spending time with her family, skiing, or travelling the country to visit the best tiki bars. Say hi to Katie on Twitter and check out her site at

Moon to Mars: Planning and executing for the long term

Katie Sylor-Miller looks at how to ensure success when the end goal feels like it's millions of miles away.


Sustaining and growing motivation across projects

In this panel, we’ll explore how to sustain motivation across long projects, including how to celebrate victories but also how to quickly bounce-back from any obstacles that occur.
