
November 4 & 5, 2024

New York

September 4 & 5, 2024


June 16 & 17, 2025

All our video highlights from webinars to live events

Highlights from our conferences

Measure for Change

Picking metrics is one thing. But the harder decisions lie in what to do with them afterward.

Drive product gaps as an engineering leader talk by Emily Thomas in LeadDev New York 2024 Conference

Drive product gaps as an engineering leader

Discover practical strategies for engineering leaders to influence product development effectively, even in the absence of strong product management and a clear company vision.

Smruti Patel

Growth in a downturn

In this talk, Smruti Patel asks, if hyper-growth is marked by spending more to make more, what does building for enduring growth look like?

Idea to Innovation

Join me as we embark on a journey to dissect the anatomy of innovation, uncover strategies to unlock the full potential of ideas, and transform them into impactful realities. Let’s build a strong culture of innovation, and make sure that it is not just a buzzword but a tangible outcome.

Slack enterprise key management: Senior to staff lessons

Explore the key lessons and skills Audrei gained during their first Staff+ project, Slack Enterprise Key Management. This talk offers insights for anyone growing in their Staff+ career.

  • Minimum Viable Business Continuity Management

    The COVID-19 pandemic has probably made many of us view our Business Continuity Management approach quite differently to how we might have 6 months ago.

  • An intro to Nativescript

    Mobile app development has always required learning each platform’s programming language and peculiarities. For developers coming from the web, where you write once and run anywhere, this is tough.

  • Practical web security

    Computer security talks are too often filled with theoretical computer scientists telling us about how the end is nigh. Don’t get me wrong, I love knowing the nitty details of cryptographic algorithms, but a whole lot of web developers don’t.

  • Building replicable dev environments with Docker

    Maintaining different software environments to run multiple web projects is a time-consuming task. Have you ever returned to an old project, only to find that you have to reinstall older versions of software before even starting any work?

  • An intro to Rush

    A very brief introduction to Rust and why it should be on your radar. Rust is a “systems” programming language that is designed to be a modern replacement for C++. It has an impressive out-of-the box tool chain, an interesting approach to safe concurrency and easy integration with C and other languages. It’s certainly a powerful tool to have at your disposal.

  • An intro to Angular

    Angular is probably the hottest frontend framework around right now. Why? What will it do for your dev team?

  • An intro to Go

    A talk about Go showing mistakes to be avoided when coming from other languages, discussion about strengths, and perceived shortcomings like dependency management.

  • Embracing change as an engineering leader

    We all want to stay ahead of the curve – after all, that’s what you go to a conference for. But have you ever considered how being ahead of the curve might be dangerous?

  • Navigating the challenges of being a tech lead

    When you were just a developer, things seemed so simple. Sometimes it was a choice between using several libraries, or working out the right algorithm to solve a problem. Making decisions seemed really easy. When you are playing the Lead Developer role, decisions no longer seem black and white and you have several competing priorities.

  • Characteristics of a modern tech lead

    Over the last decade or so we have seen a shift towards “generalising specialists”, programmers who, as well as designing and building great software, can understand a business domain, design a user interface, participate in and automate some of the testing and deployment activities, and who are sometimes even responsible for the health and wellbeing of their own systems in production.

  • Empathetic communication as an engineering leader

    The Internet is full of articles about how to build & lead tech teams, however reading these will only get you so far. In order to become a successful tech lead you must also know how to manage people, including: clients, project teams, other colleagues and your bosses.

  • 12 steps to becoming a better engineering interviewer

    An email in your inbox. A conversation with your boss. The company is hiring and you’re to be part of it – you’re going to be an interviewer.

  • How performance is everyone’s job

    As builders of the web, performance is our most important job, as it dictates a users happiness and willingness to use a product.

  • Adapting testing for engineers

    Keeping up with a team of developers who release every day is a tough job, but someone’s got to do it! Gone are the long, relaxing days of manual testing for weeks on end. Here is how we are keeping the acceptance testing process at JUST EAT as lean as possible.

  • The technical journey to microservices

    Microservices offer an architectural style that is flexible enough to become the de-facto approach for future enterprise software systems, but the individual journeys, and pitfalls vary dramatically from context to context.

  • Building happier engineering teams

    We all know how difficult (and expensive!) it is to convince brilliant engineers to join our team. The real challenge starts on Day 1 – What can we do to keep them happy and engaged?

  • Cloning yourself isn’t an option

    We’re all drawn to the fable of the 10X engineer, but engineers most commonly increase their effectiveness 10X by amplifying the effectiveness of those around them. In this talk we’ll explore ways to make your value multiplicative, no cloning required.

  • Dealing with overheads as an engineering leader

    There are many super-important roles in software teams that are also financial overhead, e.g. QA, Support and Bugfix. They’re necessary, but they require people that would otherwise be working directly on business goals.

  • How to succeed at hiring without really trying

    Hiring good people can be hard. Keeping good people can be hard. It’s made easier though if you can set your company apart as a place that people want to work at. But how do you make the community aware that that’s the case?

  • Dealing with culture divides on distributed teams

    Having timezone issues, international flights, planning logistics, communication and dealing with different cultural norms, working with teams distributed across the world provides challenges to overcome and a great way to learn how to work in a different manner at times.

  • Working backwards from the customer

    Amazon is built on top of fine grained services that have a strong ownership model – you build it, you run it. These services are created by small teams to make it very easy to innovate.

  • Leading Leads – Lessons from a growing team

    Leading a growing team is exciting – it means you’ve earned the trust to expand out and your team is able to take on new, bigger challenges.

  • How not to burn out your monitoring team

    Bad monitoring, alerting and logging has made Gil Zellner very frustrated in some of his previous positions. It seems that almost nobody gets this exactly right. This will be a talk about the most annoying issues he has come across and advice for how to fix them.

  • Addressing Imposter Syndrome for engineering leaders

    Impostor Syndrome is the feeling that you aren’t really qualified for the work you are doing and will be discovered as a fraud.