New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Level up your code reviews

Denise Yu gets us thinking about code reviews in terms of different lenses to help engineers of all experience levels build a vocabulary for seeking and providing feedback in a healthy, thoughtful, and collaborative way.

Speakers: Denise Yu

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January 21, 2022

Many teams depend on code review as a way to maintain code quality, share context across the team, and ensure compliance with organizational priorities such as security standards. When a new engineer joins a project team, they often hesitate to review code, because they feel like they’re too new to any value. But that fresh perspective is often the most valuable asset to an established team!

This talk, borne out of many 1:1 conversations with new engineers, will present a number of different lenses for reviewing code, so that even the newest graduate developer can jump in and contribute from day one. For more senior engineers, I hope to provide a critical framework for thinking about different types of contributions. Thinking about code review in terms of different lenses will help engineers of all experience levels build a vocabulary for seeking and providing feedback in a healthy, thoughtful, and collaborative way.