
November 4 & 5, 2024

New York

September 4 & 5, 2024


June 16 & 17, 2025


Your guide to better engineering hiring and onboarding practices

  • Retaining Your People After the Tech Boom Talk by Kat Ross in LeadDev New York 2024 Conference

    Retaining Your People After the Tech Boom

    Discover how to retain talent during staff reductions by leading with empathy, building trust, and understanding employees’ motivators in times of economic and industry change.

On our Hiring playlist

The why, who, and how of hiring engineers

Successful hiring starts with clear expectation setting.

De-coding the technical interview process: Emma Bostian in conversation

What if you had a cheat code for acing technical interviews?

Inclusive hiring is not a checkmark

Inclusion is the foundation of creating a level playing field for employees with all backgrounds to be heard, to be challenged, and to have an impact.

Optimizing the time you and your team spend on hiring

Hiring engineers is intensive, so how can you streamline the hiring process and tap into top talent?

Content sponsored by Karat

What is the role of the engineering manager in the hiring process?

How can time-strapped engineering managers juggle hiring responsibilities alongside their day to day?

November 4 & 5, 2025

The leadership conference for tech leads and engineering leaders.

More about Hiring

Top Hiring videos

  • How tech hiring fails us all

    From the outrageous to the sad, hiring experiences in tech can be really … bad! For the hiree and the hirer! From both sides of the table, Crystal has seen illegal and immoral behaviour — choices that damage companies as much as they damage individuals. Let’s do better. Please. We can improve this.

  • The Inclusive Leader: Tips for Developing Diverse Engineering Teams

    Managing people is hard. Managing people who aren’t like you is harder. As we push to build more diverse teams, how do we ensure everyone can succeed equally?

  • Lending privilege as engineering leaders

    Diversity and inclusion have become hot topics in technology, but you may not know how you can make a difference. This talk will help you understand that, no matter your background, you have privilege and can lend it to marginalized groups in tech.

  • 5 Ways You Can Hire Engineers Better

    For most companies, hiring is a cargo-culted, cut-and-pasted affair, run by people not trained to perform the task.

  • Bootstrapping inclusion in engineering organisations

    Diversity and Inclusion are hot topics right now. But, year after year, our industry fails to move the numbers significantly. It seems everyone is talking about it, but how do you actually bring about change?

  • How to hold career path conversations with developers

    Our industry is not the best at preparing developers to grow their careers when they reach the critical point when they have to decide between continuing to work as an individual contributor or moving into management.

  • Intersectional & Inclusive Standards for Developers

    Give a developer readable code and they can code for a day, teach a developer best practices and coding standards and they can be a valuable addition to any engineering team.

  • Build a Better Hiring Process with Design Thinking

    How do companies hire? And how does a manager build out a hiring process from the ground up?