
November 4 & 5, 2024

New York

September 4 & 5, 2024


June 16 & 17, 2025

All our video highlights from webinars to live events

  • Have AI Got News for You

    This talk ventures beyond the surface to offer you a compelling deep dive into the nuances of working with large language models (LLMs).

  • Modeling complex systems

    This talk will look at some examples of these dashboards that represent the scopes of the system. Highlight how navigating between related scopes, or components, can be more powerful than standard documentation. Finally, will end with some discussion on challenges particular to multi-tenant systems.

  • Engineering leadership in 2024 and beyond: Skating where the puck is going when the ice is melting

    Over the last two years, the tech industry has been going through big changes After a decade of boom, a lot of companies have been running layoffs, and headlines were dominated by CEOs talking about a need for “fewer managers”, “more efficiency”, and “more AI.” Throughout this time, many engineering…

  • Content sponsored by Harness

    Does your org need platform engineering?

    The panel digs into what the approach looks like in practice, and ask whether platform engineering really holds the key to unlocking happy and productive teams. You will leave this session with a better understanding of what platform engineering really is, how it relates to developer happiness, and whether it’s the right route to go down for your org.

  • Content sponsored by LinearB

    An engineering leader’s guide to reporting up

    There’s no rulebook when it comes to how to report to your senior leadership team – but there are ways that you can feel more prepared, confident, and ready to showcase engineering’s impact.

  • Content sponsored by Pantheon

    Breaking down silos between frontend and backend

    Join us for this panel, where we explore how can managers help break down cultural and technical silos, and foster better collaboration between these critical teams.

Highlights from our conferences

Measure for Change

Picking metrics is one thing. But the harder decisions lie in what to do with them afterward.

Drive product gaps as an engineering leader talk by Emily Thomas in LeadDev New York 2024 Conference

Drive product gaps as an engineering leader

Discover practical strategies for engineering leaders to influence product development effectively, even in the absence of strong product management and a clear company vision.

Smruti Patel

Growth in a downturn

In this talk, Smruti Patel asks, if hyper-growth is marked by spending more to make more, what does building for enduring growth look like?

Idea to Innovation

Join me as we embark on a journey to dissect the anatomy of innovation, uncover strategies to unlock the full potential of ideas, and transform them into impactful realities. Let’s build a strong culture of innovation, and make sure that it is not just a buzzword but a tangible outcome.

Slack enterprise key management: Senior to staff lessons

Explore the key lessons and skills Audrei gained during their first Staff+ project, Slack Enterprise Key Management. This talk offers insights for anyone growing in their Staff+ career.

  • Lessons from flying for engineering leadership

    In October of 2008, I’d been unemployed for about four months. I was doing some consulting work, but still feeling entirely uncertain about my ability to make a living, so I did the obvious thing: I decided it was a good time to learn how to fly a plane.

  • Introduction to functional programming

    Expressions are the most basic form of human interaction! Programming languages are trending more towards using expressions rather than procedural statements, adopting the declarative paradigm.

  • Observability that matters (and avoiding the kind that doesn’t)

    The term observability has recently earned somewhat of a cult status — rapidly ascending to the ranks of “agile”, “digital transformation”, “microservices” and other such highly regarded (and perhaps often misused) labels. Suddenly every team wants to incorporate the pillars of observability into their ecosystem.

  • Unlocking success: the components of high-performing teams

    Do you have a great team & a great mission but don’t understand why the pace of delivery is so slow? Architecture & tech stack is only one part of the story.

  • The benefits of delivering imperfect software

    We all want to deploy the best software possible to delight our customers and please our product owners. There’s always one more feature, another performance improvement, and code we just wish we wrote better.

  • The race to Mach 2.0 at scale

    When Chuck Yeager became the first pilot to fly faster than the speed of sound, he set off a race around the world to do the same with a plane full of paying passengers. The United States, Russia, the UK, and France all wanted a piece of the inevitable fortune to be made building aircraft to cross oceans faster than sound itself.

  • Effective meeting facilitation techniques

    We’ve all had that experience where we’ve planned the perfect discussion only to have it hijacked by a passionate side-person, lose focus halfway through, or produce the exact same takeaways as you had before you began the discussion.

  • Navigating friction in your engineering team

    Friction is a common, and necessary, part of team growth—but when left unchecked, team friction is unhealthy for you, your coworkers, your company, and ultimately your end users.

  • The possibility of AI-powered Javascript apps

    There are many exciting things happening with AI, from which, until recently, JavaScript developers were largely shut out. But things are changing, if you can do `npm install @tensorflow/tfjs` or make an API call, you can now do AI.

  • Engaging your engineering team to achieve high performance faster

    When bootstrapping new teams, they need to go through the standard process of forming, storming, norming and performing. And in the context of fast-growing companies, with their own level of uncertainty, how can we achieve high performance when teams and goals are constantly changing?

  • Taking a fresh look at setting objectives and key results for your engineering team

    In 2013, Google famously published a leading reference for establishing Objectives and Key Results as a way to align teams and set short-term goals.

  • Identifying and articulating the role of AI in your software design process

    We’ve all read the articles and got excited by technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, Tensorflow, Panda and NumPy. A lot of us are also looking at how to incorporate these technologies into our toolset and in the software we are building.

  • Guiding your engineering team to self-organisation

    It’s all well and good for the agile manifesto to recommend self-organising teams, but what does that actually mean in practice? What’s the best way to do it, how far should you take it? Total anarchy is probably not the answer here… right?

  • How to create organizational change through compassionate leadership

    How many talks, articles, and podcasts have you seen about organizational change, and how to implement it? How many of them talked about what we can learn from non-human psychology? This is that talk.

  • Rejecting the black box: examining the implications and practicalities of testing AI

    There’s a lot of talk nowadays about the impact that artificial intelligence (AI) will have on testing. There’s a new generation of testing tools being developed that employ AI with promises of making testing much more efficient for us.

  • Planning for black swan events: how to create an effective panic team

    Ever experienced that unexpected and urgent crisis that needs immediate effort and expertise? No matter how agile we are I’m willing to bet every team/project/organisation experiences these interrupts – the ‘Black Swan’ events – on a surprisingly regular basis.

  • Level Up: Frameworks for developing developers

    As video games have become more and more complex, game designers put way more time into creating environments where players are engaged and willing to put the time and effort into learning and mastering these skills.

  • How user research helped us to create a more equitable, anonymous hiring process

    If we want to truly encourage diversity in our industry, we are going to have to listen and respond to feedback from under-represented groups that challenges our assumptions.

  • Creating an effective process for on-call engineering teams

    Uptime matters, but so do your people. At Intercom, keeping our product online and working well at all times is critical to the success of our business.

  • Engage your engineers by giving them 10% time

    Everywhere we look, developers are working on side or ‘passion’ projects. While these projects are incredible ways to expand your knowledge faster, accelerate your career, and gain recognition in the developer community, the truth is that not everyone can or wants to spend extra time outside of work on coding.

  • Eiffel’s Tower

    When Gustave Eiffel built his namesake tower, it was nearly twice as tall as the tallest structure on Earth. His crews built it in an astounding 22 months, pioneering new construction techniques to deliver it in time for the opening of the 1889 Exposition Universelle. It was amazing then, and it’s just as captivating today.

  • Exploring the different types of technical leadership

    Over the many years, Patrick has trained, coached and mentored many engineers into Technical Leadership roles. He is delighted by the way that everyone has their own style and “flavour” of being a Technical Leader.

  • Inclusion starts with an I

    Women, people of colour and other minorities are underrepresented and sometimes feel unwelcome in tech. We need to fix this.

  • Business as usual vs. innovation: how to get the balance right

    One of the challenges facing teams, particularly small ones, is having to balance the time spent on doing fun new things and having to support old (or antique!) systems and processes. These are the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) things which probably underpin the current revenue of your business.