New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Lena Reinhard

Lena Reinhard is an ex-VP of engineering at CircleCI and Travis CI, and now a leadership coach and consultant.

Lena Reinhard has dedicated her career to building successful, high-performing globally distributed engineering organisations, and helping teams thrive in times of high change like hypergrowth. She now offers transformational leadership coaching and consulting for leaders.

Previously, Lena served as VP Engineering with CircleCI and Travis CI, as well as a startup co-founder & CEO, and through her cross-functional background and experience, she brings a unique perspective on systems of technology, business, and people.

Make it count; A no-nonsense guide to engineering metrics for the busy leader

Gain practical insights on engineering metrics that help busy leaders prioritize effectively, address delivery challenges, and measure team performance to maximize impact and productivity.


What we talk about when we talk about leadership

Exploring key leadership themes from years in tech, this talk offers guidance and practical strategies to help engineers become the leaders they want to be.


Becoming the leader you can be, in a changed technology industry

Explore how engineering leaders can navigate industry shifts, handle uncertainty, and rethink their roles in the evolving tech landscape through this reflective session on leadership.


The LeadDev Engineering Management Report 2024

Over the last two years, the tech industry has been going through big changes.


Engineering leadership in 2024 and beyond: Skating where the puck is going when the ice is melting

Over the last two years, the tech industry has been going through big changes After a decade of boom, a lot of companies have been running layoffs, and headlines were dominated by CEOs talking about a need for “fewer managers”, “more efficiency”, and “more AI.” Throughout this time, many engineering…


I've got the power: Career growth, today and beyond

Lena Reinhard will help you not just celebrate and reflect on what you learned on this day full of practical advice from experienced leaders: She will also make space for you to operationalize turning these lessons into actions.


Avoiding the priority zero trap

How can you successfully prioritize tasks in situations where everything is urgent?


How to communicate a decision you disagree with

A framework for understanding, and then communicating decisions you may disagree with to your team.

Doing the right thing, better: How to lead with efficiency in mind

Lena Reinhard talks about how leading in a tech downturn is challenging for you and for your teams. Applying the steps outlined in this talk will help you change the way you think and operate, and will help you be the leader that your business and your team needs during this time of uncertainty


Answering some common engineering leadership questions

After multiple speed coaching sessions during LeadDev London in June, Lena and Mathias share some common questions they get from engineering leaders, and some steps to take to help.

Recognizing and preventing burnout in your teams

Learn how to recognise and avoid burnout in your teams as an engineering manager


Doing the right thing, better: How to lead with efficiency in mind

Lena Reinhard will help you change the way you think and operate, and will help you be the leader that your business and your team needs during this time of uncertainty.


How to lead through an economic downturn

As the global economic picture continues to darken, engineering managers should start to prepare for the worst.

Stop! Strategy time!

You'll walk away with practical tips that you can start implementing tomorrow to help you become a more strategic leader and, consequently, more effective and successful in your role.


The three steps to take after you’ve been laid off

Being let go from a job can be a stressful and destabilizing experience. Here are some concrete steps you can take to get through it.

Stop! Strategy time!

In this talk, Lena Reinhard shares a practical, highly applicable framework that everyone can use to become a more strategic leader. Start these concrete daily, weekly, and quarterly actions to elevate your role and think, operate, and lead more strategically.

Keeping up momentum in remote teams

How can you increase your speed of delivery when managing remote engineering teams?


A leader's guide to fostering effective cross-team collaboration

How can you grow your team's ability to work well with others?

Strategies for Rapidly Pivoting to Remote Work

Over 74% of engineering teams now have team members who work remotely. And while remote work has the potential to bring many benefits, it also has unique points of tension that, if handled incorrectly, can damage the health of your team.


Distributed teams: how to hone connection, communication, and collaboration

Psychological safety is one of the leading indicators of a high performing team. Yet, forging deep human relationships and building trust can be difficult when your team is distributed or largely interacts on screens.
