Alice Goldfuss
Alice Goldfuss is a systems punk with years of engineering experience on both on-site and remote teams. Her recent blog post, “Work in the Time of Corona,” has become a popular guide for tech workers now working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Alice has keynoted conferences, written articles, consulted on publications, built communities, and sipped many cups of tea. She hasn’t written a book, but you’ve probably read her tweets.
Strategies for Rapidly Pivoting to Remote Work
Over 74% of engineering teams now have team members who work remotely. And while remote work has the potential to bring many benefits, it also has unique points of tension that, if handled incorrectly, can damage the health of your team.
The Container Operator's Manual
Containers have been the future for five years now, featured on the stage of every major distributed systems conference in the world.