
November 4 & 5, 2024

New York

September 4 & 5, 2024


June 16 & 17, 2025

All our video highlights from webinars to live events

  • Training machines to see scenic beauty

    Join me as we uncover the methodology behind this research and discuss how we plan to use it to help people connect with beauty around them, wherever they are in the world.

  • Uncover the invisible ceiling

    This talk will put the spotlight on one of those biases which is the assumption that software engineering around making mobile apps is less complicated or has a smaller scale in comparison to backend or infra engineering.

Highlights from our conferences

Measure for Change

Picking metrics is one thing. But the harder decisions lie in what to do with them afterward.

Drive product gaps as an engineering leader talk by Emily Thomas in LeadDev New York 2024 Conference

Drive product gaps as an engineering leader

Discover practical strategies for engineering leaders to influence product development effectively, even in the absence of strong product management and a clear company vision.

Smruti Patel

Growth in a downturn

In this talk, Smruti Patel asks, if hyper-growth is marked by spending more to make more, what does building for enduring growth look like?

Idea to Innovation

Join me as we embark on a journey to dissect the anatomy of innovation, uncover strategies to unlock the full potential of ideas, and transform them into impactful realities. Let’s build a strong culture of innovation, and make sure that it is not just a buzzword but a tangible outcome.

Slack enterprise key management: Senior to staff lessons

Explore the key lessons and skills Audrei gained during their first Staff+ project, Slack Enterprise Key Management. This talk offers insights for anyone growing in their Staff+ career.

  • Growing an engineering organization with effective DevOps

    Most of us hope that our engineering organizations will grow and scale with the success of our businesses, but that growth is often easier said than done.

  • Making developers on support work for everyone

    Oftentimes, the choice for a smaller startup is between hiring no one for technical support and just letting the developers/founders field all questions or hiring a support person and expecting them to handle it all (while that poor support person sits alone, feeling dreadfully concerned about “bothering the developers”).

  • Who Destroyed Three Mile Island?

    On March 28, 1979, at exactly 4 o’clock in the morning, control rods slammed into the reactor core of Three Mile Island Unit #2, halting the nuclear reaction because of a fault in the reactor cooling system.

  • Laying the foundations for remote success

    Adapting to the new normal in engineering

  • Dealing with deprecated codebases

    No one tells developers and project managers to throw things away. We assume that because it’s cheap to keep it around, the emotional comfort is worth the tradeoff.

  • Leadership Through the Underground Railroad

    Software development has regularly borrowed processes and terminology from outside technology to improve how code gets to customers.

  • Intro to test-driven development

    Does your team deal with bugs that could have been caught earlier in the development cycle?

  • How 1:1s can affect your engineering team’s culture

    1:1s, or intentional time set aside for managers and their direct reports, are magical: they’re where you learn what “sparks joy” for your staffer and where they’re secretly flagging.

  • 5 Ways You Can Hire Engineers Better

    For most companies, hiring is a cargo-culted, cut-and-pasted affair, run by people not trained to perform the task.

  • Case studies in building microservices

    Building complex software projects is an iterative process. We rarely get to spend months designing and writing a complete project plan before releasing something to our users, and no feature is ever truly finished.

  • Building Tech for the Non-Technical

    Everyone has blindspots. For developers it is often taking for granted certain technical skill sets.

  • Being a customer-focused engineering leader

    Most software engineers don’t realize that an outage is more than keeping the TTR low (yes, TTR is very important); it’s also about managing the expectations of your customers.

  • Vault and Security as a Service

    Over the past ten years, we’ve seen a dramatic shift in the architecture of service-oriented systems.

  • Tackling Big, Impossible Projects

    Big, Impossible projects are exciting, transformative, and begin with an overwhelming number of unanswered questions.

  • Reclaiming the Spirit of Agile

    Do you follow Agile processes like Scrum, Kanban or XP… and yet struggling to deliver on time, under budget and without last-minute heroics? Why aren’t these supposedly best practices working for you?

  • Transitioning to a lead dev

    The transition from a developer to a Lead Developer can be a rocky one. Yesterday, you were working as a developer and today, suddenly, you find yourself in the role of the Lead Developer.

  • Building Engineering Teams Under Pressure

    Why do some teams ship features rapidly, support each other, and effectively communicate while others struggle?

  • Do the Most Good

    Mina shares reflections from the campaign trail and explores strategies to use your time and skills to affect social change.

  • Eiffel’s tower

    When Gustave Eiffel built his namesake tower, it was nearly twice as tall as the tallest structure on Earth.

  • Storytelling patterns for engineering leaders

    In most forms of entertainment, it all comes down to the story.

  • Navigating engineering team friction

    Friction is a common, and necessary, part of team growth—but when left unchecked, team friction is unhealthy for you, your coworkers, your company, and ultimately your end users.

  • Is Kotlin right for you?

    Kotlin sure has been receiving a lot of buzz lately, is there something to it?

  • Crafting fun and productive Sprint retrospectives

    What do Stairway to Heaven, air balloons, and the 3 Little Pigs have in common? They’re all fun formats for sprint retrospectives!

  • Bootstrapping inclusion in engineering organisations

    Diversity and Inclusion are hot topics right now. But, year after year, our industry fails to move the numbers significantly. It seems everyone is talking about it, but how do you actually bring about change?