
November 4 & 5, 2024

New York

September 4 & 5, 2024


June 16 & 17, 2025


Leading high-performing engineering organizations

  • Content sponsored by Chainguard

    Does ‘shifting security left’ really work?

    “Shifting security left” is a term in modern DevOps that refers to the practice of integrating security measures earlier in the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

Adapting your leadership for a downturn

Leading through a downturn requires a different approach. Here’s how to realign your leadership to suit this new set of challenges.

How to lead individuals with advanced technical expertise

If you’re a manager of individual contributor’s who have more years of experience on you, you may be confused on how best to lead them.

Tech layoffs are making things worse for women in leadership

The recent wave of layoffs has left fewer women in leadership positions, can the trend be reversed?

How to lead senior engineers as a new manager

If you’ve just entered a management role, cultivating your relationship with the senior engineers on your team may be a daunting prospect. Here are a few ways to get that relationship off to a good start.

November 4 & 5, 2025

The leadership conference for tech leads and engineering leaders.

reasons to step into a leadership role

Reasons to step into a leadership role (and the reasons not to)

Thinking of becoming an engineering leader? Let Pat Kua help you with the first step of the journey.

4 mental models for more effective engineering leadership

On our Leadership playlist

Leading Snowflakes: Oren Ellenbogen in conversation

Understand how to lead unique individuals and improve your overall management skills

Content sponsored by Apollo

Elevating your leadership skills during tough times

What skills do you need to be a great leader during economic uncertainty?

Resilient Management: Lara Hogan in conversation

Resilient Management is a guide to building, inspiring and leading resilient teams

Hywel carver

AI and tech leadership

Hywel Carver talks AI and tech leadership.

Content sponsored by Swarmia

Post-ZIRP engineering leadership

This talk explores the evolution of the engineering leadership role from the growth-focused 2010s to today’s environment of increased scrutiny and accountability.

November 4 & 5, 2025

The leadership conference for tech leads and engineering leaders.

More about Engineering Management

Top Leadership videos

  • Engineering leadership in the time of coronavirus

    As unprecedented situations occur, as a company it is your duty to ensure the safety of your employees. As such, you’ve made the decision to work remotely; you’ve made sure everyone’s safe and that they can connect to your systems. Their Instant Bloomberg (IB) dots are green.

  • On Postponing Lead Dev New York and London

    In January, news reports began to emerge of Coronavirus. The news was shocking, upsetting, and evidently very serious. But while we watched the news anxiously, we were still weeks away from understanding just how frightening the chain of events would be, and how they would impact our working lives.

  • Minimum Viable Business Continuity Management

    The COVID-19 pandemic has probably made many of us view our Business Continuity Management approach quite differently to how we might have 6 months ago.

  • Leading Leads – Lessons from a growing team

    Leading a growing team is exciting – it means you’ve earned the trust to expand out and your team is able to take on new, bigger challenges.

  • Leadership. By the numbers.

    A series of simple numbers can represent a useful and memorable corpus of hard-earned leadership experience. This talk will succinctly explain essential leadership lessons that you can either heed or simply wait to experience.

  • Leading radical change as an engineering manager

    February 2017 will mark a year since I started in a role aimed at radically changing how Indeed thinks about front-end engineering.

  • Leading through public speaking as an engineering leader

    In our work, we each have moments of saying some prepared words under a spotlight – whether it’s during team standups, giving a presentation to a client, or pitching your promotion to your boss – and yet we all have different fears about those moments.

  • Who Destroyed Three Mile Island?

    On March 28, 1979, at exactly 4 o’clock in the morning, control rods slammed into the reactor core of Three Mile Island Unit #2, halting the nuclear reaction because of a fault in the reactor cooling system.