Putting power into practice as a Staff+ engineer
Matthew Hawthorne discusses how, as a Staff+ engineer, you may not have as much power as you’d like within your organization. But you probably have more power than you realize.
“Zero waste” engineering practices
Suzanne Livingston talks about how IBM software development practices are undergoing a major transformation, and how yours can too.
Behind the scenes scaling ChatGPT
Evan Morikawa gives you a behind the scenes look at how we scaled ChatGPT and the OpenAI APIs. A story about staying nimble enough to release new capabilities and to respond quickly to a rapidly changing industry.
Managing at the threshold: Examining our principles in a moment of change
David Yee talks about managing at the threshold: Examining our principles in a moment of change
Making transformation work
Chris Pilsworth looks at the challenges that organisations can face, the ways to get support for your initiatives and make the transformation a success.
Tackling software engineering leaders’ dual mandate
In this 5-minute talk, we'll discuss what is the engineering leaders' dual mandate and three focus areas that enable you to successfully achieve it in a VPE role.
Increase the opportunity for success and diversity in your software engineering teams through professional apprenticeships
Marco Zanchi explores the challenges posed by the skills shortage and the pivotal role professional apprenticeships play in bridging the gap with the most important asset of any organisation: its people.
Less is more: Tool consolidation for more performance of your testing
Yi Min Yang explores how in the wake of the ongoing global economic situation, organizations across the globe have been grappling with the impact on their software development and expenditure.
How to better understand business context as a StaffPlus engineer
Learn to be aware of the overall needs of your organization to contextualize and prioritize your workload
How to be right when it counts: 7 tools for making better decisions: Sho Soboyejo in conversation
Identify when being right is important, and when it’s not