New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

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David Yee
Module Archive
Module 4: Tackling the tough stuff | LeadDev Together
Difficult listening and having difficult conversations
As leaders, we talk often about offering good feedback and direction, but we often fail at its deceptively difficult counterpart—the craft of listening. How can you better understand the underpinnings and science of a listening practice applied specifically to difficult situations—in which you have little opportunity to control the context—and build better skills for comprehensive, empathetic listening? In this session, we will discuss tactics for supporting safe and open one-on-one spaces for listening and understanding constructively.
Navigating organizational changes as an Individual Contributor: a matter of perspective
In this session, two speakers will give their perspectives on a situation involving a difficult conversation. One perspective will be from the manager, and the other from the person being managed.
Crystal Yan
A resignation can be an opportunity
How you can learn from a resignation to improve your organization
Hypothesis-driven development
Using scientific process to create better process in tech
Taofeek Rabiu
Module Archive
Module 3: Defining, refining, and aligning processes | LeadDev Together
Imperfect Processes: Navigating the fuzzier parts
It may sound clear cut, but we know that no process is 100% foolproof and it's much messier in the real world.