New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

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Sustaining and growing motivation across projects
In this panel, we’ll explore how to sustain motivation across long projects, including how to celebrate victories but also how to quickly bounce-back from any obstacles that occur.
Avoid the Lake!
Large programs are as much about bringing people, teams, and organizations together as much as it is about building and delivering technology. This talk is a brief overview of frequently overlooked steps in execution and proposes small changes to consider to significantly reduce friction during execution.
Iterating with a purpose
In talk, we’ll be exploring what you need to think about when you start a new project. How do you decide and agree what your goals are and understand how you’ll measure their successes and failures.
Harassers are nice to me, and probably to you
Not hearing about harassment in your workplace doesn't mean it isn't happening
Module Archive
Module 7: Personal development | LeadDev Together
Module Archive
Module 6: Building inclusive companies | LeadDev Together
Module Archive
Module 5: Leading big projects | LeadDev Together
Dheerja Kaur
Gordon Radlein
Dealing with times when change isn’t happening
There are times when someone on your team will approach you saying that something needs to change, maybe it’s a piece of company culture or a practice.