New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

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A process is never done
In the final talk of this session, we’ll be exploring what happens when a process is no longer fit for purpose, how this can affect people’s jobs and their identities within an organisation, and how you can ensure the next process will be an improvement from the last.
Scaling up sustainably through better processes
In this talk we’ll take a look at processes and scaling up, thinking about the types of processes that help to establish growth, when it’s too early or late to introduce a process, and the times you’d choose to not apply a process.
What makes a good process?
In this talk, we’ll explain the how, what, and why of a good process and offer ways of thinking about defining and building processes. We’ll also discuss how to build in inclusion from the start.
So you want to build antiracist teams?
Putting the work in to make the tech industry do better
Developing teams at different levels
Engineering leaders at different levels of seniority reflect on what they’ve learned.
Growing teams and culture with actionable feedback
We'll consider why developing a strategy around delivering feedback is important, how feedback can be optimized for reception and action, and why the consistent delivery of positive, reinforcing feedback makes feedback of all types more impactful.
Learning to love meta productivity
Finding the satisfaction in management that you might have been missing from your years as a developer
On engineering impact
Tough technical problems are exciting to tackle and often engineers can think this is where they’re driving the most value.
Module Archive
Module 2: Building motivation | LeadDev Together
Harnessing the power of storytelling to become a better leader
When we’re talking to engineers about change, we often just talk about what the change will be and not the context, why it’s necessary, and why we think it will be successful.