New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Search results

Remote Inclusion in Distributed Engineering Teams
Increasingly, companies in business centres like London are combining offshore with local developers. Maximising the effectiveness in a mixed team environment is therefore critical to business success.
Cracking the cadence of your software engineering 1:1s
One-to-ones provide perhaps your greatest opportunity to survey how well things are going with your team. 
Eliminating hero culture in software engineering teams
As a woman with a few years of experience in engineering I have often noticed that every team has a "Hero", as I have been one myself. The hero is usually identified as the hardworking, highly talented and knowledgeable team member.
Changing attitudes toward legacy code
Legacy is an inevitability in any business - systems that were once cutting edge naturally age, but still require careful maintenance. And although it’s important work, it can feel less rewarding than working on shiny new features.
How simplifying software can save your engineering teams’ time
We’re conditioned to think from an early age that exciting things are the best. That attitude can extend to engineering, too.
Creating efficient, accurate, software estimations
Estimating projects is hard. Whether it's negotiating technical debt, understanding new requirements, or grappling with a lack of useful documents; the number of moving variables make it difficult to judge just how long a project will really take.
Increasing your influence through building a professional network
Have you ever wondered why you aren’t having a bigger impact at work? Why your colleagues aren't listening to your advice or why those next career opportunities aren't coming your way? Stop wondering and start influencing.
Suzan Bond
How demand shaping can reduce the carbon cost of our applications
Making an impact with sustainable software engineering
Manuel Pais