New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

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Keep your delivery in balance with these metrics pairings
Engineering metrics can be misleading when they are viewed in isolation, but by pairing certain key metrics together, engineering leaders can unlock the full picture of their software development pipeline.
Engineering a more equitable hiring process
Jason Wodicka lays out some of the places where bias enters our hiring process, and shares concrete actions you can take to make your own hiring more efficient, equitable, and effective.
7 generative AI productivity hacks for developers
Generative AI tools like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot are already providing software developers with a handy productivity boost, but the risks have to be carefully managed.
Ainsley Escorce-Jones
Madison Unell
LeadDev editor’s picks: June 2023
This month we have 5 articles covering using your experience for good, picking up the pieces after a round of layoffs, and watching out for burnout in remote teams.
Module 1: Developing your team
How not to lose friends and alienate yourself: Learnings from a journey to Staff Engineer
Waheed El Miladi reflects on his journey to Staff Engineer and discusses some of the personal pitfalls and unexpected challenges he encountered while moving through roles and the personal skills and strategies I’ve developed to address them.
Finding your path to vision and mission
Nicole Tibaldi, a Senior Engineering Manager at The New York Times, walks through the steps required to understand your goals for having a clear team vision and mission, and using that to empower engineers to make decisions.
Improve your learning culture with retrospectives
Nurturing healthy team learning cultures has never been more important for engineering leaders.