New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

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Module 1: Developing your team
How not to lose friends and alienate yourself: Learnings from a journey to Staff Engineer
Waheed El Miladi reflects on his journey to Staff Engineer and discusses some of the personal pitfalls and unexpected challenges he encountered while moving through roles and the personal skills and strategies I’ve developed to address them.
Finding your path to vision and mission
Nicole Tibaldi, a Senior Engineering Manager at The New York Times, walks through the steps required to understand your goals for having a clear team vision and mission, and using that to empower engineers to make decisions.
Improve your learning culture with retrospectives
Nurturing healthy team learning cultures has never been more important for engineering leaders.
Being a tech lead doesn’t mean having all the answers
It is sometimes easy to fall into the unhelpful thinking pattern that tech leads should know everything. But that’s unrealistic and Google’s Jack Franklin is here to show you why.
Don’t let metrics be a distraction
Setting and tracking metrics can be a tempting solution for many situations. In this talk, Jean Hsu covers a few common scenarios and how to integrate metrics with other approaches to get your desired results.
The art of giving and receiving feedback as a leader
Providing feedback is a skill. Like all skills, it is one that you can build upon and grow as part of your leadership toolkit.
Why motivation and self-efficacy drives thriving software teams
Don’t overlook the importance of self-efficacy and sustaining motivation through challenges as qualities of thriving software development teams.
Getting the best for your team by effectively managing upwards
Learn how to develop the best possible relationship with your manager to ensure success and visibility for you and your team.
The Three C’s of Company-Wide Collaboration
Nick Means digs into the three crucial things every company can holistically invest in to build an environment that fosters healthy collaboration across their entire organization.