New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

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Leading as the most experienced engineer in the room
Your domain expertise is essential to your job, but it just might be one of the things getting in the way of you being a truly great engineering leader.
Physical proximity boosts engineering collaboration, Harvard study finds
A recent study found that remote working has a significant impact on junior software engineers who rely on regular feedback to develop in their roles.
Jennifer Riggins
How to handle layoff survivors’ guilt
While it's not the same as losing your job, being left to pick up the pieces after a round of layoffs comes with its own challenges. How do those who remain stay sane?
LeadDev editor’s picks: May 2023
With so much talk about doing more with less during the month of April, we want to help engineers and managers make better use of their time. In no particular order, here are the five articles you need to read on LeadDev.
Breaking down different software tester roles
Starting out in the tester field and wondering how to map out your career path? Laveena Ramchandani may be able to help you figure out the differences in responsibilities according to titles.
Prioritizing developer well-being in your org
Four key steps to take for an effective project handoff
Successfully handing over a project to its succeeding owner is a fine art. Netflix’s Senior Software Engineer, Laurie Barth, has some tips that will help make the process a little smoother.
What recent data tells us about developer productivity and team health
Research by Jellyfish shows declining operational effectiveness as engineering teams continue to feel the crunch.
Recognizing and preventing burnout in your teams
Learn how to recognise and avoid burnout in your teams as an engineering manager