New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Search results

Growing the next generation of leaders: Leveling up your leadership teams
Join this talk as Kathleen discusses how you can identify the skill gaps in your teams and support your managers as they transition to leadership.
Building and Promoting a Strong Engineering Culture
This talk will focus on how senior engineering leaders can build and promote a strong organizational culture.
Crafting an effective technical strategy: Business success through targeted investment
Led by Rob Zuber, CTO of CircleCI, this session dives deep into the realm of technical strategy. It explores why technical strategy matters, how to align it with business objectives, and how to measure the impact.
Space aliens are among us, your product roadmap is realistic, and other lies you believe
In this talk, I'll help you establish focus, cut through metrics that don't matter, and sharpen your team's execution so that you can meet your business goals.
The Many Shapes of a VP of Engineering
Emily will talk about different archetypes that are common for the VP of Engineering role, how to assess what type your organization needs, and how the role can evolve over time.
Sustaining Innovation with changing times: Adapting systems, teams, processes and yourself
This talk will look at two common themes - trust and adaptability - in systems, teams and process.
Here’s why you shouldn’t treat employee mental health as a mental health problem
Simply trying to tackle the issue as it happens is not a sustainable solution, says new research.
Malek Kazdaghli
Using leave to cultivate autonomy in your team
What if the key to better managerial presence was absence?