Ellie Spencer-Failes
Ellie Spencer-Failes is the editorial assistant and copywriter at LeadDev. She cares about working with authors to make their writing sparkle, words that make an impact, and the Oxford comma. When not suggesting edits on your article, you can find her in one of Oxford’s many pubs with a martini and a good book.
Addressing the challenges of build vs. buy
Discussions on reaching a decision that is right for your organization.
Ten things you need to know before making a build vs. buy decision
Exploring the path to reaching an outcome
Learnings from 'Communicating effectively within engineering orgs'
Creating effective standards for communication
Learnings from 'Building an environment for learning and development'
A snapshot of the series
Learnings from 'Weighing up the pros and cons of build vs. buy'
A snapshot of the series
Learnings from 'Fostering autonomy in engineering teams'
A snapshot of the series
Learnings from 'Adapting to the new normal in engineering'
A snapshot of the series
Learnings from 'Maintaining speed while minimizing risk'
A snapshot of the series
Learnings from 'Assessing the health of your engineering orgs'
A snapshot of the series
Learnings from 'Placing engineering at the heart of innovation'
A snapshot of the series
Learnings from 'Designing efficient, equitable hiring processes'
A snapshot of the series
On being Latinx and an Engineering Leader in the United States
The tech industry through a Latinx lens
Learnings from 'Placing collaboration at the heart of your technical projects'
A snapshot of the series
Efficient and equitable hiring at a global scale
Using your leadership to propel underrepresented engineers
Learnings from 'Creating a culture of experimentation'
A snapshot of the series