Documentation in Agile
We value “working software over comprehensive documentation”. That is, while there is value in documentation, we value working software more.
Building and Scaling a Distributed and Inclusive Team
The current status quo in running and scaling out teams is to have everyone work in the same office or in offices across different locations.
Starting, executing, and landing big rewrites
There’s nothing more frustrating than not being able to deliver new features because of unnecessarily complicated code.
How to automate a11y testing
Are you still testing accessibility by hand? Or worse, have a dedicated person doing so? Stop! Now!
How to mentor Junior Engineers
To get her foot in the door, she had to convince very smart people that she could write software because she can do ballet. It took a few tries.
Rethinking the Developer Career Path
Our current methods for measuring a developer’s career progression are broken. At best, we count the number of days someone’s been paid to write code and massage that into a title. As a result, there’s no consensus as to what a given title means, leading to frustration for everyone.
How tech hiring fails us all
From the outrageous to the sad, hiring experiences in tech can be really ... bad! For the hiree and the hirer! From both sides of the table, Crystal has seen illegal and immoral behaviour -- choices that damage companies as much as they damage individuals. Let's do better. Please. We can improve this.
The Inclusive Leader: Tips for Developing Diverse Engineering Teams
Managing people is hard. Managing people who aren’t like you is harder. As we push to build more diverse teams, how do we ensure everyone can succeed equally?
Centralising the Right Things
uSwitch has a strong dev ops culture, we’ve learnt over time what should be handled by teams and what the organisation should provide.
What engineering leaders need to know about blockchain
If you’ve not been hiding under a rock, you must have heard about Blockchain. This session will throw some light on why it matters to businesses and techies, and how is it chaining the world one block at a time.