Jean Hsu
Jean Hsu is the Vice President of Engineering at Range. Prior to Range, she built product and engineering teams at Google, Pulse, and Medium, and co-founded Co Leadership, a leadership development company for engineers and other tech leaders. She’s also a co-actively trained coach and has coached engineers, tech leads, managers, PMs, VPs of Engineering, and CTOs.
She loves to play ultimate frisbee (though not during pandemics), and lives in Berkeley with her partner and two kids.
Don’t let metrics be a distraction
Setting and tracking metrics can be a tempting solution for many situations. In this talk, Jean Hsu covers a few common scenarios and how to integrate metrics with other approaches to get your desired results.
Preparing your engineering team for organizational growth
Company growth opens up new opportunities but also brings structural and technical changes
Addressing technical skills gaps in your engineering team
Identify and fill training gaps that slow you down.
Supporting your team through periods of uncertainty
Including the return-to-work transition
Managing meetings without succumbing to Zoom fatigue
How to find meeting cadence, structures, and purposes that work for your team