Setting goals as a staff+ engineer
Sabrina Leandro shares how to define your development journey as a staff+ engineer, figuring out what you should be working on, how to set your goals, and how to you define your backlog of work. You’ll also learn how to track your progress so you can keep growing as an engineering leader in the individual contributor track.
Working sideways
Aish Raj Dahal touches upon this slightly less talked about aspect of the job as a technical IC leader, which is creating peer relationships and working with other Staff engineers in shaping an organization’s technical roadmap.
Scaling your influence through documentation
James Ford reflects on his two year journey as a Staff Engineer and how a mix of documentation and working groups has been a surprisingly effective strategy for influencing the opinions of the individual engineers as well as the non-technical stakeholders.
Building a shared vision: Creating alignment across autonomous teams
Maria Neumayer's talk will explore how to overcome these challenges, get buy-in from engineers to promote cross-team collaboration and alignment, all while establishing and refining shared standards and working towards a shared vision.
Building a diverse and inclusive guild from the ground up
Liem Pham’s story, a France-born developer with Asian heritage, finding his space in the London tech scene. You will hear about his journey, from being the first frontend engineer at Accurx, to building a diverse and inclusive guild of 20+ members in two years.
Librarian’s guide to documentation
Kaitlyn Tierney wants you to learn how to leverage librarian skills to create and maintain internal documentation that works for you. Improve technical decision making by fostering a culture of documentation excellence and inspiring clear, effective written communication with a few simple practices.
Solving the puzzle of staff+ time management
Blanca Garcia Gil looks at how the expectations of your role imply changes in how you manage your time, strategies to avoid feeling like you are being stretched in multiple directions, understanding how you work best, and identifying which strategies apply to you.
Practical systems thinking for Software Engineers
Laura Nolan covers methods such as EAST-BL, System Dynamics, and the Energy Barrier perspective, with a specific focus on how these methods can be applied to the development and operation of distributed software systems.
The awful agony of the app store: When software delivery goes wrong
Clare Sudbery shares a dramatic tale of ups and downs, tears and triumph, and the very sharp end of the sunk cost fallacy. Via the rollercoaster ride of a failed iOS app, Clare uses the experience to highlight several key components that contribute to successful software development… and offer understanding to those facing obstacles beyond their control.
Driving positive change through performance improvement plans
Cristina Yenyxe Gonzalez Garcia describes an approach to PIPs in which the manager helps to set the employee up for success.