Heidi Helfand
Heidi Helfand is the author of the book Dynamic Reteaming. She’s passionate about helping companies build great products and high-performing teams, and she’s particularly interested in the people side of engineering.
With over 20 years of experience in the tech industry, including roles at AppFolio, Procore, and Expertcity/GoToMeeting, Heidi has gained a deep understanding of how to help organizations successfully navigate change and scale their teams. She lives in Southern California, where she enjoys spending time with her family and exploring the outdoors.
Building engineering teams that can withstand any shock
Ahead of her talk at LeadingEng Berlin, the author of Dynamic Reteaming, Heidi Helfand, talks about building and rebuilding teams to deal with periods of change.
Built to flex - Strengthen your org to expect change
In this talk, Heidi Helfand shares some practical tactics on how to look at your teams today, and grow them into a stronger org that can bend and flex with challenges instead of crumble.
Three tactics to build resilience into your teams
When you build resilience, you’re able to recover quickly from challenges.
Dynamic Reteaming: The Art and Wisdom of Changing Teams: Heidi Helfand in conversation
How can you manage the effects of changes occurring within your team?