Stevi Deter is a Principal Software Engineer at DexCare, where she works with her team to develop a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that intelligently orchestrates health system capacity and digital demand across all lines of care. She has over 20 years of experience in a wide range of industries. She has focused on integrating complex systems to provide new tools and experiences to serve customer needs.

Overcoming security hurdles to push engineering velocity
15 Dec 2021 Video


Overcoming security hurdles to push engineering velocity

Stevi Deter
Micheal Stahnke
Michael Stahnke
+2 more
47 mins
Crafting efficient on-call processes
26 Jul 2021 Video

Crafting efficient on-call processes

Amanda Sopkin
Amanda Sopkin
Jaime Woo
+3 more
45 mins
Minimizing risks in code deployment
12 Nov 2020 Video

Minimizing risks in code deployment

William Hill
William Hill
Dawn Parzych
Dawn Parzych
+2 more
53 min
Scaling at the speed of COVID-19: lessons from the front lines of virtual healthcare
10 Aug 2020 Article

Scaling at the speed of COVID-19: lessons from the front lines of virtual healthcare

Stevi Deter
8 mins
08 Nov 2019 11 mins Video