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How to speed up code reviews

Code reviews don’t have to be painful. Here’s how to embrace tools and more collaborative processes to raise the bar on your review cycle.
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Code reviews don’t have to be painful. Here’s how to embrace tools and more collaborative processes to raise the bar on your review cycle.

In the complex world of software development, code reviews are a key tool for ensuring quality and driving effective team collaboration. Done well, code reviews drive consistent code quality and orchestrate team members to detect issues before they get pushed into production.

Yet, challenges linger. The ticking clock of delivery deadlines, the diversity of coding styles, and the perils of oversight in the face of extensive changes makes the code review process fraught with peril.

Here, we will help you effectively prepare for code reviews, remove inefficiencies in your process, and chart a course towards a more efficient and collaborative code review culture.

Preparing code for review

The way code is written and prepared is the first step towards a smooth code review process.

  • Code formatting and style guidelines

Code formatting may seem like a mundane detail, but its impact on code readability and maintainability is profound. Consistent indentation, spacing, and naming conventions can significantly lessen the load on the code reviewer. Developers should adhere to a well-defined set of style guidelines, often dictated by the programming language or the team’s preferences. Utilizing tools like linters and code formatters, such as Prettier for JavaScript or Black for Python, can automate the enforcement of these guidelines, ensuring a uniform and aesthetically pleasing codebase.

Consistency in formatting becomes a visual cue for quick identification of deviations from established guidelines. This enables reviewers to promptly address any inconsistencies without prolonged analysis, contributing to the expeditious nature of the review. Moreover, the concept of a uniform codebase, facilitated by consistent formatting, allows reviewers to navigate through different sections more efficiently. This uniformity minimizes unexpected variations in coding styles, ensuring that reviewers can focus on the functional aspects of the code, further accelerating the assessment and feedback process.

  • Clear and concise comments

Comments are the annotations that act as a guide for your fellow developers. They should be clear, concise, and provide valuable insights. Developers are encouraged to use comments to explain complex algorithms, document assumptions, and highlight potential pitfalls. Additionally, leveraging documentation generators, like Javadoc for Java or Sphinx for Python, can extract inline comments to create comprehensive API documentation.

Clear comments reduce ambiguity, enabling reviewers to swiftly understand the intricacies of the code without unnecessary delays. Moreover, the proactive use of comments contributes to a more streamlined review by preemptively addressing potential questions or concerns that reviewers may have.

  • Unit tests and test coverage

Code requires thorough testing to ensure its reliability. Unit tests, focused on individual components or functions, serve as the building blocks of quality assurance. Developers should create tests using frameworks like JUnit for Java, pytest for Python, or Jest for JavaScript. Test coverage tools, such as JaCoCo or Istanbul, help gauge the percentage of code exercised by tests, guiding developers to fill potential gaps in coverage. A high level of test coverage instills confidence in the code’s correctness and robustness.

By thoroughly testing individual components and assessing the overall coverage, developers contribute to a more comprehensive and efficient review process. This proactive approach to testing not only aids in identifying issues early in the development cycle, but also streamlines the review by providing a solid foundation of tested and reliable code for reviewers to evaluate.

  • Documentation

Documentation guides developers through the codebase. Starting with a well-crafted README file, developers should articulate the project’s purpose, installation instructions, and usage guidelines. Inline comments within the code should explain the reasoning behind complex logic or potential edge cases. This proactive approach to documenting the codebase ensures that reviewers quickly understand the intricacies of the implementation, reducing the need for extensive back-and-forth communication between developers and reviewers. 

API documentation, generated using tools like Swagger for REST APIs, or JSDoc for JavaScript, offers comprehensive insights into the functions and classes, empowering developers to use the code effectively. Adopting a documentation-first mindset ensures that code reviews are not only about scrutinizing the implementation, but also about understanding the context and usage of the code.

By embracing these coding techniques, developers lay the foundation for a collaborative and efficient code review process.

Utilizing code review tools

Modern code review tools are invaluable in providing technical transparency and driving developer collaboration.

  • Version control integration

Central to streamlined code reviews is the seamless integration with version control systems. GitMercurial, or SVN  enable developers to track changes, manage branches, and collaborate.

Adopting branching strategies, such as GitFlow, facilitates more organized development, ensuring that features and bug fixes undergo scrutiny in dedicated branches before merging into the main codebase. The integration of version control with code review tools like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket empowers teams to navigate code changes effortlessly, comment on specific lines of code, and maintain a comprehensive history of collaborative development efforts.

  • Automated code review tools

Automated code review tools introduce a level of efficiency and consistency that manual reviews may struggle to achieve. Static code analyzers, such as ESLint for JavaScript or PyLint for Python, automatically detect code quality issues, style violations, and potential bugs.

Continuous Integration (CI) tools like Jenkins or Travis CI integrate these analyses into the development pipeline, ensuring that every code commit undergoes automated checks before reaching the review stage. By automating aspects of the review process, teams can expedite feedback and channel human efforts toward more nuanced and strategic aspects of code assessment.

  • Collaborative platforms for code reviews

Beyond traditional communication channels, dedicated collaborative platforms for code reviews offer a centralized space for team interaction and discussion. Platforms like Gerrit or Crucible create a hub for code changes, fostering a dedicated environment where developers can comment, discuss, and iterate on modifications. 

Features like inline commenting, threaded discussions, and integration with issue tracking systems enhance the collaborative experience, enabling developers to communicate seamlessly and address feedback efficiently. The integration of these platforms with version control systems completes the feedback loop, ensuring a unified and traceable code review process.

Defining clear objectives and scope

Clear objectives and a precisely delineated scope are vital for establishing quick and seamless code reviews.

Start with review goals. A purposeful code review begins with clear objectives, ranging from the identification of bugs, to ensuring strict adherence to coding standards, or validating the implementation of new functionalities. 

Second is focusing on the highest-impact changes. Recognizing that not all code changes carry equal weight is crucial to optimizing the review process. Reviewers and developers alike are encouraged to prioritize changes that yield significant influence, whether by altering system behavior, introducing critical features, or addressing substantial issues. By concentrating attention on the changes with the most substantial impact, teams ensure that their review efforts are strategic, and time is allocated to areas where it matters most.

The third part involves breaking down larger changes into smaller, more manageable parts. Confronting extensive modifications to the codebase can be a daunting task, carrying the risk of oversight and an unnecessarily prolonged review process. Dissect larger changes into smaller, more manageable parts. This not only facilitates a more granular review, but also allows for incremental testing and validation. Techniques such as feature flags or incremental rollouts can be employed to systematically introduce and assess these smaller changes, ensuring a smoother and more comprehensive review process.

Through these practices, development teams cultivate a more streamlined and effective review process that aligns with the broader objectives of software quality and collaboration.

Encouraging peer involvement

Active peer participation is a cornerstone for both increased code quality and team cohesion. 

  • Rotating code review responsibilities

Distributing code review responsibilities among team members fosters shared ownership and skill development. Rotating responsibilities ensures that each team member gains exposure to different parts of the codebase, fostering mutual trust and empowering each member to contribute meaningfully.

  • Promoting cross-functional reviews

Breaking down silos and encouraging cross-functional collaboration enriches the code review experience. Involving team members from different disciplines in the review process enhances thoroughness and promotes a holistic understanding of the code’s impact on various aspects of the project.

  • Establishing code review guidelines

Clear and well-defined code review guidelines lay the foundation for effective collaboration. These guidelines outline expectations for review etiquette, code quality standards, and communication protocols, creating a structured environment that encourages constructive feedback and continuous improvement.

Conducting efficient code review meetings

Efficient code review meetings are pivotal for sustaining momentum and ensuring the timely progression of projects. 

  • Schedule regular code review sessions

Consistency is vital for maintaining the cadence of code reviews. Establishing regular sessions creates a predictable rhythm, enabling the team to plan and allocate time effectively, while averting bottlenecks in the development pipeline.

  • Set strict time limits for reviews

Set sensible time limits for individual code reviews to prevent unnecessary delays. This establishes realistic expectations and encourages focused attention, rather than prolonged or unnecessary discussions that could impede progress.

Encourage clarity, active participation, and constructive feedback to foster an environment where discussions are purposeful, and decisions are collaboratively made. Leveraging collaborative tools enhances real-time communication and ensures the documentation of decisions, facilitating a smoother review process.

Code review checklists

Code review checklists are a valuable tool to ensure consistency, thoroughness, and continuous learning during the review process. You can either choose to customize these checklists for each project for added flexibility, or establish a standardized rubric to foster a more consistent and predictable process.

The choice between standardizing and customizing checklists depends on finding the right balance for your team’s workflow and project requirements. Some teams may find value in a standardized checklist to ensure consistency, while others may prefer the adaptability of customized checklists to address the specific nuances of their projects. Ultimately, the key is to align the checklist approach with the team’s goals, development processes, and the nature of the projects they are working on.

Either way, you should regularly update checklists based on lessons learned from previous review cycles to ensure that the evaluation process adapts to changing project requirements and team dynamics. This iterative approach transforms checklists into living documents that encapsulate the collective wisdom of the team.

Providing constructive feedback

Constructive feedback is a pivotal factor for nurturing team growth and elevating overall code quality.

  • Focusing on the code, not the developer

Focus on the code itself, and not the individual contributor,  to foster an environment of objectivity and collaboration. By depersonalizing feedback, teams cultivate a culture where enhancements are embraced as integral to collective improvement.

This approach accelerates the review process by preventing potential conflicts or delays related to personal interpretations, allowing teams to concentrate on refining the code itself.

  • Using positive language

The intentional use of positive language, even when addressing areas for improvement, cultivates a constructive and supportive atmosphere. This approach not only acknowledges developers’ efforts but also underscores collaboration over critique.

  • Offering suggestions for improvement

Constructive feedback transcends issue identification and provides actionable suggestions for enhancement. Beyond pointing out problems, reviewers are encouraged to offer guidance, propose alternative approaches, or share relevant resources. This transforms feedback into a valuable learning experience for the entire team.

Continuous learning and improvement

Code review metrics allow teams to gain valuable insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of their processes. Review duration – measured by the time taken for a code review to progress from initiation to completion – provides a simple quantitative measure of the typical time investment of each code review process. 

Prolonged review durations may indicate potential bottlenecks, prompting teams to explore specific areas for improvement, such as communication channels, reviewer availability, or procedural aspects. 

Comments per review, which reflects the depth of feedback provided, and code churn, which measures the extent of changes introduced during reviews, both offer additional quantitative information for better informed decision-making. Striking a balance between thorough reviews and timely progression ensures a comprehensive yet efficient evaluation process.

Conducting post-review retrospectives complements this quantitative analysis by offering a qualitative reflection on completed code reviews. This process allows for the inclusive acknowledgment and documentation of effective practices and behaviors, fostering motivation, cohesion, and a culture of continuous learning within the team. Simultaneously, teams identify areas for improvement, initiating constructive discussions aimed at optimizing workflows, addressing challenges, and implementing innovative solutions.

This holistic approach ensures that teams actively work towards refining their processes, enhancing collaboration, and fostering an environment where learning and improvement are strongly encouraged.

Final thoughts

By embracing an iterative mindset, teams can consistently refine and speed up their code review processes. Regularly incorporating feedback, adjusting guidelines, and experimenting with novel approaches and tools ensure that the review process evolves in tandem with the changing dynamics of your project and team.