New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Uncover the invisible ceiling

This talk will put the spotlight on one of those biases which is the assumption that software engineering around making mobile apps is less complicated or has a smaller scale in comparison to backend or infra engineering.

Speakers: Oussama Hafferssas

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October 08, 2024

The more senior ICs are or want to be, the more impact any invisible bias would have on their ability to access next levels in their careers especially Staff+ roles.

This talk will put the spotlight on one of those biases which is the assumption that software engineering around making mobile apps is less complicated or has a smaller scale in comparison to backend or infra engineering. This is now limiting mobile app engineers from unlocking staff+ roles and also major leadership roles even after 17 years since the first modern smartphones were announced! 

This talk will help both, people carrying this bias to gracefully discover its root cause and pragmatically decide whether to keep it or not – hopefully not! Also, people suffering from the impact of this bias to break free from it once and for all, and also help others break free ideally!