New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Yonatan Zunger

Yonatan has been building chunks of the Internet for the past twenty years, including heading infrastructure projects like high-capacity search and planet-scale storage at Google; consumer products, as Google’s Chief Architect of Social and as head of infra for the Google Assistant; and over a decade’s deep work on security, privacy, and abuse. Today he’s Distinguished Engineer at Twitter, trying to improve the conversational infrastructure of people’s lives.

With great power comes great responsibility

Learn how today's systems impact billions of lives and why engineers must prioritize failure safety. This talk explores driving this crucial shift in software engineering.


When, not if: The playbook method for managing risk

Traditional risk management isn’t working for engineering organizations. Here, CTO of Identity and Network Access at Microsoft, Yonatan Zunger, shares a better approach.

Understanding the role of a Distinguished engineer

Breaking down the responsibilities and overlap involved in the most senior individual contributor roles.


Role and Influence: The IC trajectory beyond Staff

As you become an increasingly senior IC, subtle changes in the scope of your role shape the kinds of influence you can have and are expected to have
