New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

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What you need to know about Biden’s AI executive order
US President Joe Biden has announced a sweeping executive order covering artificial intelligence. Here’s everything you need to know about how the US government is looking to regulate the technology.
Becoming a force multiplier by influencing without seniority
You’re an engineer who’s got big ideas with team-wide potential – but there’s a limit to how much you can achieve by coding harder.
What McKinsey got wrong about developer productivity
The consulting giant kicked a hornet’s nest when it launched a framework to measure software developer productivity. Here’s what engineers think they got wrong.
Maxime Najim
Building remote relationships for more productive teams
Since the pandemic, the rate of remote working teams has shot up, despite efforts from CEOs to get people to return to an in-office environment.
Boosting team performance as a tech lead
Being parachuted into an inexperienced team can be a great opportunity for you to share your expertise and help individuals upskill.
How to design (and listen to) a developer survey
A well-designed developer survey is only the first step towards measuring team health, the important part is knowing how to listen to the results.
Optimize hiring for speed and scale to outpace the competition
The hiring landscape has changed dramatically this year, but moving fast can create a huge competitive advantage when vying for top software engineering talent.
LeadDev editor’s picks: October 2023
September had a back-to-school feel this month at LeadDev, with plenty of advice on how to tame the chaos of context switching, make your team’s work more visible, and contend with the major challenge of needing to “do more with less.”
Training your interviewers to make a great first impression
Hiring in big tech may have slowed, but the value of making a good first impression has never changed.