New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

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Growing an engineering organization with effective DevOps
Most of us hope that our engineering organizations will grow and scale with the success of our businesses, but that growth is often easier said than done.
Making developers on support work for everyone
Oftentimes, the choice for a smaller startup is between hiring no one for technical support and just letting the developers/founders field all questions or hiring a support person and expecting them to handle it all (while that poor support person sits alone, feeling dreadfully concerned about “bothering the developers”).
Owning your onboarding in a remote world
Help yourself achieve success in your new role
Who Destroyed Three Mile Island?
On March 28, 1979, at exactly 4 o’clock in the morning, control rods slammed into the reactor core of Three Mile Island Unit #2, halting the nuclear reaction because of a fault in the reactor cooling system.
Laying the foundations for remote success
Adapting to the new normal in engineering
Dealing with deprecated codebases
No one tells developers and project managers to throw things away. We assume that because it's cheap to keep it around, the emotional comfort is worth the tradeoff.
Leadership Through the Underground Railroad
Software development has regularly borrowed processes and terminology from outside technology to improve how code gets to customers.
Learnings from ‘Adapting to the new normal in engineering’
A snapshot of the series
Intro to test-driven development
Does your team deal with bugs that could have been caught earlier in the development cycle?
Starting a new job in a world of ‘digital by design’
Effective onboarding from the comfort of your own home.