What should I focus on to become a better leader and to better support my team? Where do I find the time to keep my technical skills relevant? How do I learn more about the business so I can understand the needs of the organisation better?
Whether you’re a Tech Lead, Engineering Manager, or Project Manager for an engineering team, you probably weren’t handed a leadership instruction manual when you were given your first team to lead.
Organisations often worry about their mobile teams. Sometimes they are a bit separate. There's often this inexplicable hostility to mentions of "React Native".
Have you ever been told you’re “too direct,” or feel like you don’t understand what others want? Or on the other side, do you think others are often too confrontational?
Long before Agile and Lean became buzzwords, a scrappy group of aerospace engineers at Lockheed's Skunk Works were using similar practices to produce some of the most amazing aircraft ever built.
Software development has been evolving. When I started in the industry, working at companies like Microsoft, we would bet many person-years of development and many millions of dollars into the development of products that would sometimes be hits and sometimes be total duds