New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Ryn Daniels

Ryn Daniels is a principal infrastructure engineer who got their start in programming with TI-80 calculators back when GeoCities was still cool. Their work has focused on infrastructure operability, sustainable on-call practices, and the design of effective and empathetic engineering cultures. They are the co-author of O’Reilly’s Effective DevOps and have spoken at numerous industry conferences on devops engineering and culture topics. Ryn lives in Helsinki, Finland with a perfectly reasonable number of cats and in their spare time can often be found powerlifting, playing cello, or handcrafting knitted server koozies for the data center.

Fail fast, learn faster: Real lessons from failed software releases

Discover real lessons from failed software releases. Learn to manage tech debt, improve communication, and ensure successful rollouts with insights from industry experts.


How does context switching impact team productivity?

In this panel, we’ll dig into why unmanaged context switching is detrimental, and ways you can help developers handle interruptions, and reach (and maintain) a state of focus and flow.


What DevOps teams need to know in 2023

How can we create a healthy DevOps culture that supports user retention?


How to create sustainable on-call rotations

A guide to building effective and sustainable on-call rotations.

Growing an engineering organization with effective DevOps

Most of us hope that our engineering organizations will grow and scale with the success of our businesses, but that growth is often easier said than done.


Designing cultural transformations

Ryn Daniels shares a design process that helps you identify problems with your current culture and brainstorm sustainable solutions and opportunities.
