New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Kishore Jalleda

After a decade of leading (global) SRE teams at Microsoft, Yahoo, Zynga & IMVU, Kishore Jalleda pivoted to full-time coding and building products that can organize the world’s unstructured data and processes to help people lower their stress, and focus on what matters most. Given his background, his first use case is incident management; he plans to offer simple, novel, proactive solutions to the complex problems organizations face with managing incidents

What DevOps teams need to know in 2023

How can we create a healthy DevOps culture that supports user retention?


Being a customer-focused engineering leader

Most software engineers don't realize that an outage is more than keeping the TTR low (yes, TTR is very important); it's also about managing the expectations of your customers.
