Paula Kennedy
Paula is Cofounder & Chief Operating Officer of Syntasso.
Paula is Cofounder & Chief Operating Officer of Syntasso; her previous roles include Senior Director at VMware Tanzu and Cofounder & Chief Operating Officer of CloudCredo.
With 20+ years experience in the IT industry, Paula champions community, diversity and inclusion and has spoken at many conferences including KubeCon and QCon, She is a CNCF Ambassador, an OpenUK Ambassador as well as a Team Topologies Advocate. Paula is an organiser for KCD UK, DevOpsDays London, and Fast Flow Conference, as well as the London Platform User Group. In her spare time she enjoys walking her dog and attempting to run half-marathons.
Creating positive cultures distributed engineering teams through communication
When your team is wholly distributed it can be tough to develop a team spirit, strong culture and shared approach. This talk will highlight the difficulties we've seen and suggest tips and tricks that we have experimented with to improve this.