New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Bryan Liles

Bryan Liles is a Senior Staff Engineer at VMware. He leads the Developer Experience group, which creates solutions to help developers be more productive in Kubernetes. When not working, Bryan builds and races cars and drones.

Building a better bridge

Bryan Liles shares how he came to find out that he was a bridge builder and how that carried through his journey as a senior engineer to where he is today as a VP-level engineer in a public company.

Understanding the role of a Principal engineer

Learn what the technical and strategic conversations look like at a Principal engineer level.


Avoiding the pitfalls of rebuilding software

If you think back to the work you were doing last year, it probably feels miles away - and that’s great! As engineers, we’re continually building and creating great new stuff - it’s what we do.
