New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

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How demand shaping can reduce the carbon cost of our applications
Making an impact with sustainable software engineering
The myths and traps of “managing up”
Highlighting the necessity of managing up in your org
Crafting a diverse hiring funnel
Ensuring that your hiring pool is inclusive from the outset
The Boring Stack
The more boring our code and tech is, the more room we give our products to be interesting.
Scaling at the speed of COVID-19: lessons from the front lines of virtual healthcare
How quickly could you adapt your healthcare software to a global pandemic?
Learning from incidents: from ‘what went wrong?’ to ‘what went right?’
When things go wrong, we tend to focus on mistakes, miscalculations, and deficiencies in design. By limiting our investigations to the details of what went wrong, we ignore a far richer and more interesting source of learning: how things went right.
Distributed teams: how to hone connection, communication, and collaboration
Psychological safety is one of the leading indicators of a high performing team. Yet, forging deep human relationships and building trust can be difficult when your team is distributed or largely interacts on screens.
Creating positive cultures distributed engineering teams through communication
When your team is wholly distributed it can be tough to develop a team spirit, strong culture and shared approach. This talk will highlight the difficulties we've seen and suggest tips and tricks that we have experimented with to improve this.
About LeadDev
The home of engineering leadership