New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

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Build a data-driven on-call workflow for your team with atomic habits
Bianca Costache will walk you through a data-driven on-call framework, clearly derived from first principles. You will get the WHY, our journey towards adoption, and the results after more than 2 years of implementation.
How to conduct a great interview for an ML engineer role
Machine learning (ML) is having its moment. Here's how to objectively identify candidates with real skills.
Values: The runbook for leadership
Using values you believe in as a runbook for difficult situations can make you a more consistent leader and help you build a healthier team.
How to pay down your monitoring debt
Monitoring debt leads to alert fatigue and increased operational risk, is it time you performed an alert audit and got your monitoring in order?
Exercising foresight as an engineering leader
Preparing for future eventualities may seem impossible without a crystal ball, but there are some things you can do as a leader to exercise good foresight.
Building communities of practice to learn and grow together
Bringing together experts and enthusiasts to explore new technologies and ways of working can bring huge benefits to your organization.
Using cooperative gaming to drive positive engineering change
Gaming engineering metrics doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. Here’s a model for cooperative gaming to drive positive technology change.
How to be an ethical engineering leader
Doing the right thing isn’t always easy. Here are eight ways to help prioritize being an ethical engineering leader.
LeadDev Standard Commercial Terms
Using a learning-themed retrospective to strengthen your team’s learning culture and reduce learning debt
Kristen Foster-Marks shares her experience of leading a learning-themed retrospective, which encouraged her team to reflect on their personal beliefs about learning and up-skilling, their team’s learning culture, and the ways in which these beliefs and culture can both encourage and discourage engagement in on-the-job learning and up-skilling activities.