New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

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How to plan your next product feature using a six-week cycle
Abiding by this six-week cycle may improve your production processes and help to streamline your vision.
How team agreements promote high performance
Cohesive teams share unspoken and spoken agreements which inform the way members interact and collaborate. If handled well, they help boost productivity.
Just 16% of training budgets have been cut in 2023
Despite rounds of layoffs and growing economic concerns, learning and development budgets aren’t being slashed, according to LeadDev research.
Seven ways to build effective platform teams
Platform teams are important for establishing the foundational layers of a company’s product. How can yours be more effective?
Removing roadblocks to faster iteration
The way your team builds software matters.
Using workshops to align technical vision and team principles
Using the framework and lessons learned from a workshop led by VP of Engineering Anthony Mayer, discover how you can align your technical vision and company principles for a growing engineering team.
Four ways great leaders can build strong teams
Are you choosing to be the kind of leader that someone would change jobs to follow? Or the kind they'd change jobs to escape?
How business alignment works in high-performing engineering teams
Business alignment is a crucial factor of organizational success and planning accuracy is the way to achieve it.
Practicing engineering transparency
Being more transparent as a Staff+ engineer can help build trust and encourage best practice across entire engineering teams.
Scaling your influence when you can only be in one place at once
Michael Tweed will cover a case study of the problem "how do we ensure all our teams are meeting code quality standards", looking at approaches that are likely to (and have!) failed, vs. those which are much more likely to lead to results and long-lasting buy-in.