New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Search results

How does context switching impact team productivity?
In this panel, we’ll dig into why unmanaged context switching is detrimental, and ways you can help developers handle interruptions, and reach (and maintain) a state of focus and flow.
How can AI actually help your teams?
In this webinar, our panelists dig into the cultural and technical issues that arise around the topic of AI, and uncover its most useful applications across the SDLC.
How can developer experience boost team productivity?
Want to learn some practical, realistic strategies that will make your developers' jobs easier and more enjoyable?
How to balance technical direction and leadership work
But as is often the case in business, priorities constantly shift and where you focus your efforts will too. So how do you strike the right balance between working on the technical direction of the business and those tasks that require you to put your leadership hat on?
How to master the four Staff archetypes and elevate your impact
While the specifics of the job can vary widely, Will Larson has famously categorized the Staff+ experience into four archetypes: Tech Lead, Architect, Solver, and the Right Hand.
How to get promoted beyond staff engineer
This month, we’ll be discussing how to promote to the next staff+ level in your organization.
How to identify and fix CI pipeline problems
Our panel of engineering leaders will discuss how you can identify and remedy the most common CI pipeline difficulties, and how you can make sure they aren’t blocking your teams.
What do you mean there’s no onboarding plan for engineering managers?
In this talk, Daniel will share his four-week onboarding process for engineering leads that emphasizes peopleware, tech leadership, and delivery management.
Measuring developer productivity with DORA, SPACE, or DevEx
Join us for this webinar, where we’ll discuss how engineering leaders can measure and boost team performance using three well-known engineering productivity frameworks.
How to implement platform engineering at scale
In this webinar, we’ll hear from enterprise engineering leaders who’ve overcome cultural barriers and team silos, and successfully adopted platform engineering practices in their orgs.