Chief Technology Officer at Anaconda talks about the tricky firing process and how to get it right. Learn about the safeguards that allow you to make this tough choice confidently and compassionately.
You’ve identified that a person is underperforming. What comes next? Senior Engineering Manager Adrienne Lowe will identify what you should do to help manage someone out of underperformance
How can you even tell if someone is underperforming? Senior Director of Engineering at SlackHQ Rod Garcia looks at how to write and communicate clear expectations and gain the confidence to address underperformance.
How do you manage when you’re being managed up? Engineering Leadership Consultant Amy Newell looks at how to deal with the receiving end of being managed up to create a two-way relationship.
Every senior leader you interact with will bring their own experience, set of biases, communication styles - and fundamentally, different personalities to a conversation. Lara Hogan explains how to adapt your tactics to different management techniques.