New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

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Say no to burnout and stand up for yourself
Krys Flores reminds us of how to keep yourself in focus while still delivering value. Krys also includes examples of how you can bring yourself back to a place of focus when you feel your organization is trying its best to have you do-all-the-things.
How to complain positively
Josh Goldberg, a serial complainer with a catchy smile, will walk you through the steps he takes to make sure his complaining is heard and felt without causing pain.
Building effective relationships
Mike McQuaid discusses the three types of relationships critical to cultivate: mentor, mentee and peer, how to decide which relationships to invest in vs move on from, how to use these relationships to improve your career, your success and work and build up everyone surrounding you and how to still do this when remote or timezone separated from your coworkers.
Embedding on teams as a staff+ individual contributor
Shweta Bhandare shares her learnings with the process of embedding broken down into stages. For each stage, she will describe the focus areas, key relationships to build and nurture, outcomes to anticipate and finally how to unembed, making the team self-sufficient and self-confident in their ability to deliver.
Leading without authority: an example from security engineering
In this talk we use the experience of a Security Engineer tasked with helping a development team raise their security posture, without being part of it. We will look at what works and what failed, propose tactic and techniques to best position the outsider in, and what observed results were achieved.
How much should staff+ engineers code?
Joy Ertz discusses some of the pros and cons of continuing to code, along with how some of Joy and her peers have thought through and continue to think through this decision.
Christina Chan
Mike McQuaid
How to grow your engineers through continuous feedback
For your engineers to know where they’re going, they need to understand where they are. Here’s how to promote growth through continuous feedback.
Creating a career progression framework for engineers
How to build a clear and transparent process for supporting career progression.